In the previous post, I explained about the prototype
In this article, we will learn about JavaScript’s prototype chain. We will see how objects connect to other objects.
Overview of What is Prototype🙂
Prototype is a core concept in JavaScript and an important mechanism in implementing the OOP pattern in JavaScript
. All objects in javascript have a prototype
, and these objects inherit properties and methods from their prototype.
In JavaScript, except undefined
, all other types are objects. String, number, and boolean types are objects in the form of String, Number, and Boolean, respectively. An array is an Array object, a function is a Function object
. The prototype
of each object is its parent, String's parent is String.prototype
, Number's parent is Number.prototype
, and Array's is Array.prototype
You should notice🧐 that the prototype itself is an object in JS, called the prototype object. We need to know this to avoid confusion with the function's prototype property.
What is a prototype chain?🤔
As you already know, every function has a prototype
property, which contains an object
. When this function is invoked using the new
operator, an object is created and this object has a secret link to the prototype object. The secret link (called proto in some environments) allows methods and properties of the prototype object to be used as if they belong to the newly-created object.
A prototype object is just a regular object and therefore it also contains a link to its prototype. And so a chain is created, called a prototype chain.
In this illustration, object A contains a number of properties. One of the properties is the hidden __proto__
property, which points to another object B
. B's proto property points to C. C's __proto__
property points to D.This chain ends with the Object object, which is the highest-level parent, and every object inherits from it.
This is all good to know, but how...
Function prototype
In JavaScript, all functions are also objects, which means that they can have properties. And it happens that they all have a property called prototype in common, whose type is also an object.
function doSomething() {
console.log(typeof doSomething.prototype); // ‘object’
Pretty easy to understand, right? As soon as a function is created, it will automatically have a property called prototype
initialized to an empty object.
Little Depper's understanding of prototype chain⛓️
Prototypes are very important in giving us access to an object's properties and methods. The object's prototype property (also known as the prototype object) is a "parent object" where the properties and methods are inherited.
So, when we call an
object's property
(eg: student1.age), Js will initially look in the object's own property, if not found, it will continue to look in theobject's prototype
, and iterate with the prototype of the prototype object, etc.
- This iterative process is called prototype chaining in Javascript. It is this + the function's prototype property that makes up the prototype-based inheritance mechanism for Javascript.
For example:
var obj1 = { a: 1 };
var obj2 = Object.create(obj1);
obj2.b = 2;
console.log(obj1.a); // first
console.log(obj2.a); // first
console.log(obj2.b); // 2
console.log(obj2.c); // undefined
In the above example, Object.create()
will create a new object obj2
with prototype obj1. And as we have seen, even though obj2
doesn't have a property a
, we can still access it thanks to the prototype chain mechanism.
Ending ❤️🩹
So in this article, we have learned about prototype
in javascript you can checkout my dedicated blog on prototype. How do you feel about JS, please give your opinions on the process of using js. If you find the article useful, please give a like👍 and share ↔️ it for everyone's reference!
Please leave a comment so that I can improve myself in the future. Thank you, guys!🥰